Friday 28 October 2011

How To Make Decisions

If you are anything like me, you'll find making decisions difficult.

Whether I'm considering what to cook, what to wear or where to go, I can never seem to make up my mind.

Sometimes, I'll avoid making the decision myself by asking my husband and sometimes I just won't make any decisions at all.  At other times though, I'll ask myself what I think psychically.  It is at those times that I feel most confident and most certain that I am making the right and best choices possible.

So how do I ask myself and how do I get the answer?  It's simple, if I haven't got any immediate gut feelings one way or the other, I just write my question or decision down and underneath I list all of the posssible choices or ways forward.

I then sit quietly and relax my mind and place the fingers of my right hand over each option and see what I 'sense' from each one.  I also ask the question outloud and see what comes to me.

Then, just like when I'm performing a professional psychic reading for a client, all sorts of psychic answers start to come to me.  By assessing the information I receive, I automatically 'know' what 'feels' right and what doesn't.  Often it's a case of finding out what you don't want to do or shouldn't do first, which then leaves the best path clearly defined.

This is by far the best way to make decisions and you'd be suprised how many people rely on their 'gut feelings' to get ahead!

So the next time you need to make a choice and are finding decision making difficult, try this simple technique.  Of course you could always book a psychic reading and ask a professional psychic to look into your situation too.