Friday 8 July 2011

So What Is Psychic Empathy?

Nearly everyone knows what a psychic is, and most people know what a clairvoyant is, but I always get asked what psychic empath is, and what empathy is all about.  So I decided, having answered this at least a hundred times, to write this short article to answer this question.

Psychic Empathy is a communication and listening skill. Psychic Empathy is a simple technique that allows you to understand what makes people ‘tick’ and see clearly how they will most likely respond or behave in the future. Psychic Empathy can bring great wisdom and understanding about any person or situation and is one of the most useful life skills you can learn.
Psychic Empathy is the art and science of sharing Empathic Awareness with another person. It is about allowing yourself to become ‘aware’ of information that you may otherwise not be aware of. In order to access Empathic Awareness and use your Psychic Empathy skills you need to learn and practice the basic Psychic Empathic Techniques that will enhance your communication and listening skills.

Psychic Empathy is a powerful personal and business tool that can quickly help you to acknowledge and recognise the feelings, thoughts, behaviours, emotions, needs and inner drives of other people and groups of people. Once you can get to the bottom of what is causing people to behave the way that they do, you can easily improve and develop your relationships with them. Knowledge is power and having power gives you control.

Psychic Empathy creates an awareness of potential opportunites and ways forward and can help you to identify the best ways of dealing with difficult people and situations. Empathy provides access to success strategies that can save you or your business a lot of time, effort and money.

Using your Psychic Empathy skills gives you unlimited free access to a variety of life tools that can help you to close old doors and find and open new ones. Psychic Empathy is like having a best friend that knows everything – all you have to do is ask the right questions and be aware of the answers as and when they are provided.

Psychic Empathy also serves as a warning signal, telling you what you should or should not do or say and if you use Psychic Empathy correctly it can help you to stay clear of troublesome or dangerous circumstances and people.

Psychic Empathy is a skill that we all possess to varying degrees and like most skills, can be practiced, developed and fine tuned, over time. We all use Psychic Empathy skills everyday, without even realising it, when we are interacting with our loved ones, children, pets and work associates. It is the skill we use to connect to people and establish trusting relationships.

Try becoming aware of your Psychic Empathy skills today - the next time you are talking to someone, ask yourself "how are they feeling and why?".  You may find that all sorts of information comes to you, from images to words, feelings to smells.  You may just suddenly know something about them or their life that they haven't told you.

Practice makes perfect, so don't worry if nothing comes to you straight away.  Try again, at different times and in different situations.  Try with a variety of people.  Occassionally, a particular person may resist being 'read'.  This is perfectly normal and even the best Psychic Empaths come across people they can't connect to.

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